In Navigating a better future

October/November Blog: Quick Update

Hi All!

The year is finally coming to an end which is exciting news for us at The Compass Trust, as we get ever closer to the children starting their new high schools in January! 9 of our scholarship children will be attending Cape Academy, and 6 will be attending Muizenberg, both fee paying schools.

Here’s an interesting statistic as to why this is so important:

Grade 8 students attending fee-charging schools are up to 4 times more likely to qualify for university than those attending no-fee schools.

Your support means that our scholarship children are now 4 times more likely to qualify for University!

The learners are finishing up their final exams and we are sure with their hard work, they will continue to flourish academically. It’s obviously a very stressful period for both teachers and students but everyone is starting to get excited for the summer holidays!

We are currently putting plans in place regarding the learners transportation to and from school as well as mentoring/focus groups for the learners as they enter high school next year.

We have some big, game-changing news coming in January, so please keep your eyes peeled!

Thank you all for your continuous support for the learners, because of you they will have a better education and a brighter future.


Board Member

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